Tuesday, October 28, 2008

3:47 a.m.

God woke me up this morning. I will maintain that because there is no other feasable excuse. And who else has such a sense of humor? At 3:47 a.m., I just woke up. No noise, no reason, just woke up. Noticed that there was no light coming from the cable box (a convenient nightlight) and went to see what blocked the light. I went to turn on the light above my bed and was rewared with an unproductive click. I dug around in the dark for a flashlight, and dropped a book on the dog (sorry Abby) She stared at me curiously ans I fumbled, and I opened the curtains to see if perhaps the 3:48 a.m. ambient light outside might help. Strangely, it did! I clicked on the flashlight, and suddenly, the light switched on. The clocks buzzed back to life flashing the familiar and somewhat jolting 12:00. An alarm went off in the distance, and my Vietnamese neighbors across the street had all of their lights on. I woke up within a minute of the outage ending. My 6:00 wakeup call was erased in the blackout and if there had been no divine intervention, well, I might still be asleep. Yesterday was a very long day after all. As I reset my alarm, the radio snapped on and the lyrics playing said "I am holding on to you" Wow. Is He ever!

1 comment:

michelle ford said...

holding on to you and waking you up! nice timing.