Friday, October 3, 2008

Late nights

It's funny. I went to a new small group for the first time. I was telling them about facebook and all of the people I have seen there. How it was cool to see so many old Forest Home friends, old school friends, and people in general I was not sure I would ever see again this side of heaven. Also found at least one person I did not want to see. So many things combined with real life, the stuff that does not happen on computers, drew out the sadness. All of these people, all lives I was involved with at one time or another, now distant, now married, now parents, and it is weird. What time warp have I been in?

God does have a different idea I think. A sense of humor if you will, and somehow facebook and blogging mingle with that. I have gained some perspective in these last couple of weeks, and while that perspective is not the fun sort of stuff I was looking to gain, its ok. I am so glad to encounter so much of my past here, but even more glad to discover what the rest of the future holds. I like these little late night moments, when my heart is quiet and reaching for God, when my hands can speed along the keys and pour out words buried for years.

If you get to read and enjoy, I am glad I can oblige you. Be blessed by however this humble vessel gets filled. And enjoy the pictures.
In focus will be a theme for me, to try to achieve that in my film as my eyesight changes, to make focus a lifestyle as I pursue the One pursuing me.

One more thing... read The Shack. So so good. So good.

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